
This Time 


A clock ticks on the wall, 

A bed is sent rolling across the floor.  

Panic rises in the hospital 

As oxygen is needed more and more. 

Sitting at home, hospital or office 

Helplessness hangs heavy. 

Phone calls come,

But inner strength remains steady. 


The world, separate, 

But virtually together; 

Accompanies and cares 

To get further and further. 


Things happen, 

That cannot be lightly passed. 

But humans take them, 

And persevere till the last.


Before this, 

We cared. 

But not as much 

As could’ve been shared. 


Now we realise -

 Or hopefully at least - 

The importance of what we have 

Till now, missed.


First published in the magazine - INFUSION (Editors: Rutu Srivatsa and Anvesha Harsh)


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